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Become a distributor

Recebemos sua mensagem!

If you are a RETAILER, RESELLER or WHOLESALER and wish to sell GAS AND SAFETY products, fill out the form below so we can get to know you.

If you are a consumer and would like to purchase our products, even if you have a valid CNPJ, please fill out the form below . We would like to point out that GAS AND SAFETY does not work with direct sales to the consumer market. Therefore, we will indicate one of our reseller partners with a point of sale closest to you!

If you are a SALES REPRESENTATIVE and would like to be a partner in the marketing of GAS AND SAFETY products, register.

Gas and Safety Solutions

CNPJ: 45.690.073/0001-90

Telefone: 11 3488-0200

Rua Lavínia Ribeiro, 61 - Vila Diva

CEP: 03351-110 - São Paulo - SP

Horário de funcionamento: Seg. à Sex: 8h às 18h

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